The Course Progress Report shows summary of Course Progress for individual User along with details of progress on assets and sections within the course.

To top section of the Report shows Course and User information like Course Title, User name, User email address, User Profile Picture along with summary progress statistics. 

Below are the Summary Statistics along with their description:

  • Progress % - Overall Course Progress of the user as a percentage of number of assets completed (a value of 50% implies that the user has completed 50% assets of the course).
  • In Progress - Number of assets of the course which the user has started but not completed (Completion status for assets is 'In Progress' for the user).
  • Not Started - Number of assets of the course which the user has not started yet.
  • Completed - Number of assets of the course which the user has completed.

The second half of the report shows section wise progress along with progress status for each asset.

Section wise progress shows the Progress of the user as a percentage of number of assets completed within the section (a value of 50% implies that the user has completed 50% assets of the section)

Asset wise Progress Status indicates progress status of each asset for the user. Below are the different status along with their description:

White Clock icon

White Clock icon - indicates the asset has not been started. 

Orange Clock icon

Orange Clock icon - indicates the asset is 'In Progress'. The date alongside the icon indicates the date on which the asset was last accessed.

Green Tick icon 

Green Tick icon - indicates the asset has been 'Completed'. The date alongside the icon indicates the date on which the asset was completed